Our next camp was at a large farm. One of the problems for farmers in the area was the Cheetahs killing their animals. The owner of this farm, not wanting to see Cheetahs killed would live trap them and keep them in a 17,000 acre field he had fenced in with a tall fence to prevent their escape. He also had a camp and some bungalows on the farm for tourists. His house was surrounded by a tall fence and he had two pet Cheetahs, we were able to visit them. They were just like big cats who like to be petted. at one point I had one in my lap and the other leaned against my back, both were purring loudly. A few weeks earlier we had seen one chase down a small Impala, they can go from 0-70 miles an hour in a little over 4 seconds, and to be this close to them was surreal.
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