A thunder storm went through this evening making for a colorful sunset. The second shot was the view across the lake from the backyard yesterday evening.
Now comes the job of processing all the photos from the last four months in Colorado and the trip in the middle east in April and May. In addition I need to get a printer. The good news is that Epson has a $300 rebate on the one I want but the bad news is the rebate which means a new model is coming out. Just hate to buy the latest digital whatever then find out it is being replaced next month. My favorite film camera is over fifty years old and has not been replaced by a better model, of course some of the favorite films and darkroom papers are now gone.
Will spend the next few days researching printers and completing projects in the darkroom as I need to send prints to a gallery in Istanbul. Will also try and post new photos regularly as I get time to process more.
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